After the overdose, Ted is in a coma. Emmett, Michael and Brian go to the hospital to see him and they meet Ted’s mother. Brian also meets a hot male nurse.
Meanwhile, Justin’s mother, Jennifer, keeps snooping around in her son’s bedroom to find more clues of his homosexuality: she finds Justin’s sketchbook filled with drawings of a naked Brian.
At Justin’s school, one of Justin’s classmates, Chris Hobbs, gets detention and has to clean the locker room. Finding Chris attractive, Justin decides to go help him out and ends up literally giving him a hand.
Melanie goes to see Brian in his office and tells him that Ted has named him executor of his will: Brian has power of attorney and will be asked to decide if and when to pull the plug.
Brian is shocked and enraged by this, so he goes to the hospital to rant at Ted’s comatose body but he ends up having sex with the hot male nurse on the second bed in Ted’s room.
Ted wakes up to this scene. Emmett and Michael clean out Ted’s house so that his mother won’t see his sex toys, and are surprised to find many pictures of Michael in Ted’s closet.
Synopsis by the staff. All rights reserved. Any reproduction of this material by any means, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the prior permission of the administrators and without the credits of
Copyright © 2015 | All rights reserved
Written by Francesca - Edited by Marcy