
Queer as folk (2004) #12

Aired: July 4, 2004
Source: queer-as-folk.it
Written by: Mattia Galliera
Translated by: Mattia Galliera
Edited by: Marcy
Screencaps: Marcy
Photo gallery

Ben and Michael are very happy and proud of Hunter as he made progress at school and they receive compliments from Mrs Crowe, a teacher, on their excellent job as parents. At the school the young couple meet Callie's parents who are very excited about Hunter and their daughter seeing each other. They like the guy and would like to get together with his family. Unfortunately all their enthusiasm vanishes when they find out about Hunter's health conditions and they forbid Callie to see him again.

Brian is on the mend after cancer but he needs to take good care of himself. However, not only he's working hard to get the Liberty Ride well sponsored but he seems to be determined to take part in it as well. Justin and all his friends are really worried about him and try to persuade him not to do it, except Debbie, who encourages not to give in.

Emmet cannot forget about Drew, who seems to have the same problem. He has been missing him and wants to take him out for dinner, although it will be a very unusual one. All the tables at the restaurant are free and Emmett finds it rather strange... more shocking stuff is coming when Sierra asks the guy to plan her wedding; her future husband, Drew, does not intend to come out, he is too scared of losing everything and being judged and he says he loves her and wants to have children. Emmett will have to make a hard decision.

If Lindsay is fully aware of her unconditional love for her wife, Mel is far from being ready to forgive her and leave all the cheating behind. Debbie asks her not to let her unhappiness and pride ruin her marriage. Besides, she is a mother now and has responsibilities. The only thing that counts is that she is going to have a baby. She will decide to give it a try but it will not be easy at all. While they are having a massive row, Mel gets into labour and is taken to hospital...

Synopsis by the staff. All rights reserved. Any reproduction of this material by any means, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the prior permission of the administrators and without the credits of queer-as-folk.it.