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di: Ale
10 Sep 2016

We added to our gallery two new funny pictures taken today!!

Thank you very much to Andrew and Sally, for giving us the permission to share their pics with Randy!!

di: Marcy
10 Sep 2016

Thank you Inga, for sharing the "Duo panel"! You'are amazing! Thank you!

And thank you Jasone for sharing your pictures of Randy taken during the panel!

di: Marcy
10 Sep 2016

Many Thanks to Freier Fall 2 ♥QaF, for sharing these pictures of Randy!

di: Marcy
10 Sep 2016

Many Thanks to Colleen, for sharing her picture of Gale during the panel!

And thank you Margaux for these wonderful pictures with Randy!

di: Marcy
10 Sep 2016

We are here again!

Thank you Inga, for your pictures of Gale taken during the panel!

And thank you Jasone for this wonderful picture with Gale!

di: Marcy
10 Sep 2016

Thank you again Colleen, for giving us the permission to share her pictures of Randy and Gale taken during the panel!

di: Ale
10 Sep 2016

We have three more pics taken during Randy's panel in Bilbao!

Many many thanks to Colleen, for giving us the permission to share them:

di: Marcy
10 Sep 2016

THANK YOU again to our sweet Inga, for giving us the permission to share her pictures of Randy taken during the panel!

di: Ale
10 Sep 2016

A huge THANK YOU to Jasone, for giving us the permission to share her picture with Randy:

di: Ale
10 Sep 2016

Hello everyone,

we added to our gallery two pictures from the Gale Harold Fan meet in Bilbao!

They were taken a few minutes ago during the opening ceremony by our dear Inga, who gave us the permission to share them (THANK YOU!!)

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