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di: Ale
23 Mar 2015

Hello everyone!!

We added to our gallery some new pics from the Rise'n shine Cologne 2015 event!!

Thank you very very much to Tim Kyttas for giving us the permission to share the pics he took on March 21st during the closing ceremony, the panel with Dean and the panel with Makyla and Randy:

di: Ale
22 Mar 2015

Hello everyone,

yesterday, March 21st, at The Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, Peter Paige attended the 26th Annual GLAAD Media Awards with Bradley Bredeweg, Gavin Macintosh, Hayden Byerley.

We added to our gallery a lot of pictures from the event!!
Click on the image below to see the albums:

di: Marcy
21 Mar 2015

Hello again!

We added more pictures from this wonderful Rise'n Shine Convention! Many thanks to @hazananat - Anita for sharing her pictures from the Opening Ceremony and from Randy's panel:

And thanks to @Sannensonne - Sanne for giving us the permission to post her pictures taken during the Opening Ceremony!

di: Ale
15 Mar 2015

Hello everyone,

we added to our gallery some new pictures of Peter Paige taken yesterday at the "HRC Annual Gala Dinner and Auction":

We also added some pics of Peter taken at the "I Have A Dream Foundation Annual Dreamer Dinner" on March 8th and at the "Rock Out party" on March 11th!

Click on the images below to see the albums:

di: Ale
05 Feb 2015

Hello again,

we have a new picture of Scott Lowell with Carmit Levité and Mike Bencivenga!
It was taken yesterday and posted a few minutes ago by Scott on his Twitter.

27 Jan 2015


The website broadwayworld.com has just published a spotlight article about The Elephant Man along with some beautiful portraits of the actors, taken by Walter McBride on the opening night. And of course we have some great photos of Scott!

25 Jan 2015

Hi again!

We have two pictures of Sharon Gless: one with her friends Dawn Lafreeda and Marie Osmond (actress), and the other with actor Donny Osmond. Both pictures, posted on Marie Osmond's Twitter and Facebook page, were taken at the Flamingo in Las Vegas after the show "Donny&Marie".

23 Jan 2015

Hello again!

We have more pictures from The Elephant Man's backstage:

23 Jan 2015


As you probably already know, Scott is taking over The Elephant Man's official Instagram for some backstage pictures from tonight's performance. He's posted several images from the backstage and he's in a couple of them:

22 Jan 2015

Hi guys!

Scott has just posted on his Twitter a picture with Jack Wetherall, taken on The Elephant Man's stage, probably after last night's show.

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