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12 Nov 2014


Scott has just posted a picture on his Twitter, a funny selfie probably taken in his dressing room, while getting ready for "The Elephant Man"'s matinée.

08 Nov 2014

Hello people!

Broadwayworld.com posted an article about The Elephant Man along with several pictures of the cast on stage. Our Scott appears in some of them wearing his costume!

di: Marcy
08 Nov 2014

Hello everyone!

We have a new picture of Scott taken during the "The Elephant Man" Press Reception:

Thanks to Klaudia62!

di: Marcy
24 Oct 2014

Hello people!

We finally put online the 2015 Calendar! We hope you like it! As we usually like to remind you, you can give it to your friends as a Christmas present or you can hang it on a wall or keep it on your computer desktop! This year we decided to prepare a smaller version… unfortunately, we’re running out of nice photos! Maybe next year we’ll repeat it!

Happy 2015!

Click on the picture below to see (and save) all calendar or...

... you can download it HERE!

di: Marcy
24 Oct 2014

Hello everyone!

We have a new picture of Scott taken during the "The Elephant Man" Press Reception:

Thanks to Felicity!

di: Ale
21 Oct 2014

Hello everyone,

we have some pictures of Scott taken today at the "The Elephant Man" Press Reception:

di: Ale
13 Oct 2014

Hello everyone,

Peter attended "The New Yorker Festival" and spoke during the LGBTQ TV panel on October 11th.

Click on the image below to see some pics from the event:

di: Ale
15 Sep 2014

Hello everyone,

Peter Paige attended the "GLAAD Gala: Game Changers " on September 13th in San Francisco!

We have some pictures taken during the event:

23 Aug 2014

Hello people

We're wrapping up this friday with a selfie from Peter Paige's Twitter, though in this photo Peter looks pretty sad...

21 Aug 2014

Hello guys!

Scott posted on his Twitter another old photo of himself with his dear friend Dawn Maxey.

Thanks to Serena S.!

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