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di: Marcy
19 Jun 2016

Hello everyone and have a great Sunday!

We added to our gallery some pictures taken on June 18th at the Rise'n shine Convention in Toronto!!

First of all: Thank you to our beloved e lovely Trish for giving us the permission to post her pictures ! The pictures were taken during the Opening Ceremony; the panel with Randy, Makyla and Sherry; the panel with Randy, Sharon and Scott; the panel with Scott and Dean and the closing ceremony:

And.. we added also two pictures posted by Lee Rumohr the actor who played the role of Troy in Queer as folk! Do you recognize him??

di: Ale
19 Jun 2016

We added to our gallery some pictures taken on June 18th at the Rise'n shine Convention in Toronto!!
Many many thanks to Colleen and Amber!

The pictures were taken during the panel with Randy, Makyla and Sherry; the panel with Randy, Sharon and Scott; the panel with Randy and Fabrizio and the closing ceremony:

We also added some pictures taken with with the actors!
Thank you Colleen!

di: Ale
18 Jun 2016

Many many thanks to Brian A and Amir for giving us the permission to share their pictures with Randy. They were taken on June 17th, at Pride Toronto's event, called Club Babylon and hosted by Fly Night Club.

You can also find a lot of wonderful pictures taken at the event on the official Flickr! A huge THANK YOU to the photographer Joey Fascio, who shared the link with us!

Click on the image below to see the album on Flickr:

Club Babylon - Fly 2.0 - June 17, 2016

di: Ale
18 Jun 2016

We added to our gallery some pictures taken a few minutes ago during the panel with Sharon Gless!!
Many many thanks to Colleen!

We also added some pictures taken during the panel with Scott and Dean. Thank you to Colleen and Amber!

And we added some beautiful pictures taken yesterday during the Pride Toronto's event, called Club Babylon

Source: Facebook

di: Marcy
18 Jun 2016

We are here again!

We'd like to thank Sally for sharing her picture taken during the Panel of Scott and Dean.. She said that it's wonderful to see Dean and Scott together again!

Thank you also to Susan for her pictures taken during the Opening

And thank you to other wonderful friends:

Pam ( LINK )

Shannon ( LINK )

Anna ( LINK )

18 Jun 2016

We added to our gallery a bunch of photos from Pride Toronto's event, called Club Babylon and hosted by Fly Night Club. We'd like to thank our friends who shared them with us.
Below you will find a list of their names and the link to their photos.

Kathy Hearns ( LINK )

Amber Guenther ( LINK )

Claire M ( LINK )

Joey Fascio ( LINK )

Los Maridis ( LINK )

Susana Lovi ( LINK )

Colleen ( LINK )

Pam ( LINK )

Alex Simpson ( LINK )

Amay B ( LINK )

Clement Lee ( LINK )

Daily Xtra ( LINK )

Moises ( LINK )

Masha Vee ( LINK )

And some official photos from Pride Toronto

18 Jun 2016

We added to our gallery two more photos from the first day of Back to the roots - Rise'n shine convention and we'd like to thank Amber Guenther who kindly shared them with us.

di: Marcy
18 Jun 2016

Here we are!

Second day in Toronto! Thank you to Amber for giving us the permission to post her pictures taken today at the Opening Ceremony! Thank you!

Thank you also to our dear Colleen for her picture, taken today!

di: Marcy
18 Jun 2016

Hello everyone!

We have more stuff from the Toronto Convention... First of all we'd like to thank Elke for giving us the permission to post her pictures taken yesterday evening during the Vip dinner!

Source: Rise 'n Shine meets Queer as Folk

And.. we have a video interview of Randy

More stuff coming!!!

di: Ale
17 Jun 2016

We added to our gallery a new picture of Scott taken today at the "Rise'n Shine Convention" in Toronto!!

A huge thank you to Kathleen for giving us the permission to share her pics!

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Benvenuti sul sito italiano dedicato a Queer as folk USA, telefilm nato in UK e ideato da Russel T. Davies. La serie è stata sviluppata negli USA grazie a Cowen, Lipman e Jonas. Questo sito non è ufficiale e non ha alcun legame con gli attori e con chiunque abbia fatto parte dello show. Tutto il materiale qui contenuto è di proprietà della Showtime. Riassunti, traduzioni, sottotitoli appartengono ai Webmasters: Ale, Marcy, Klaudia62, Felicity. La grafica è stata creata da Simo e Marcy, ogni diritto è riservato. »