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di: Ale
17 Jun 2016

Hello everyone!

We have two pictures of Dean and Scott taken today at the "Rise'n Shine Convention" in Toronto!!

Many many thanks to Shannon for giving us the permission to share her pics!

di: Marcy
26 Nov 2015

Hello everyone!

We have a lot of pictures of Adotable!
If you want to see them, click on the picture below!

Thanks to Serena and Marzia!

di: Ale
30 Sep 2015

Hello everyone,

as you already know, Thea was honored with the "Advocate Award" during The Charm Ball on September 26th in Baltimore!!

Congratulations Thea!

We added to our gallery come pictures taken at the event:

Source: Facebook

di: Ale
03 Sep 2015

Hello everyone,

we added to our gallery two new pictures!!

In the first one you can see Peter Paige, Brad Bredeweg and Danny Nucci showing a message for the "The Fosters" fans:

(Thank you Ifigenia1986)

In the second one, taken on the set of "The Young and the Restless", you can see Robert Gant with Greg Rikaart. Robert will appear on the soap again as the attorney David Sherman:

di: Ale
27 Aug 2015

Hello everyone,

we added to our gallery a new picture of Peter Paige with some of the cast members of The Fosters!

Thank you Ifigenia1986!!

di: Ale
20 Aug 2015

Hello everyone,

we added to our gallery some new HQ pictures of Thea Gill on the set of the short "Love Colin!"

And this is what she said to queermeup.com about her work on this movie:

My time working on Love, Colin, produced by the incredible creative teams of Cthulhu Crush Productions and Red Castle Films, was full of many refreshing and invigorating acting moments. With sensitive direction from Steve Parker, I enjoyed extremely interesting character discussions and development with the talented cast."

di: Ale
18 Aug 2015

Hello everyone,

we added to our gallery a new picture of Peter with Joanna Johnson and Bradley Bredeweg (executive producers of The Fosters)!!

It was taken yesterday while they were live tweeting during the summer finale of the third season of "The Fosters":

Many thanks to Ifigenia1986!!

di: Marcy
10 Aug 2015

Hello everyone!

We added more pictures, taken on set of the short "Love Colin!" to our gallery.

Source: LoveColinMovie - Facebook

And moviepilot.com has posted a very nice article! Between some of the celebrities who have lent their looks, mannerisms, triumphs and failures to Disney characters, we find also our Robert Gant as Hercules! What do you think? He's very look like! Thank you Jole!

di: Marcy
04 Aug 2015

Hello everyone!

Our dear friend Elke went to London for "The Elephant man's" show and she met Scott outside the Theatre. We have two photos that she took there and let us share with you!

Thank you Elke!

di: Ale
30 Jul 2015

Hello again,

Thea Gill is listed as part of the cast of the animated film "The Grid: Zombie Outlet Maul" , currently in post-production. Here she is in two pictures taken in the dubbing studio:

Her character is Hazel Switch and you can hear her voice in the trailer:

You can also see Thea in this short movie released in 2009 and titled "Four Steps", click HERE to see it!

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