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di: Ale
27 Jul 2015

Hello everyone,

yesterday, July 26th, Peter Paige and Robert Gant attended the "Los Angeles LGBT Center's Annual Garden Party"!!

Click on the image below to see some pictures taken during the event:

di: Marcy
20 Jul 2015

Hello everyone!

We have a new picture of Thea as Jennifer, on the set of "Love, Colin"!

di: Ale
19 Jul 2015

Hello everyone!

The Gill is currently working on the short film titled "Love, Colin", she plays the role of Jennifer!

We added to our gallery a picture of Thea with some of the cast and crew members:

di: Ale
09 Jul 2015

Hello everyone,

yesterday, July 8th, Peter Paige attended the premiere of the mini-series "Tut" at Chateau Marmont, click on the image below to see some pictures taken during the event!

The first episode of the series, written by Peter with Brad Bredeweg and Michael Vickerman, will air on July 19th on Spike!

di: Ale
08 Jul 2015

Hello everyone!!

A huge "THANK YOU" once again to our dear Betsy Wilce, who gave us the permission to share her beautiful pictures with Scott taken yesterday, July 7th, in London!!

di: Ale
23 Jun 2015

Hello everyone!!

Many many thanks to Sally Messer, who gave us the permission to share her beautiful pictures of Scott!!

Click on the image blow to see the others:

di: Ale
22 Jun 2015

Hello everyone,

we added to our gallery a picture of Peter with some cast members of "The Fosters".

It was taken behind the scenes of the first episode of the third season and it was posted today on the Official Twitter.

di: Ale
16 Jun 2015

Hello everyone!!

We added to our gallery some official pictures taken at the ATX Television Festival: on June 5th during the "The Final Finale" panel and the "Queer as Folk" panel; on June 6th at the "A Kiss Is Just a Kiss" panel!! Click on the images below to see the albums:

Thanks to Ifigenia!!

Source: Facebook.

di: Ale
16 Jun 2015

Hello everyone!!

We added to our gallery some official pictures taken at the ATX Television Festival: on June 7th during the "The Fosters" panel, on June 4th at the USA Party and on June 5th at the Industry Party!! Click on the images below to see the albums:

Thanks to Ifigenia!!

Source: Facebook.

di: Ale
14 Jun 2015

Hello everyone!!

We added to our gallery three pictures of Scott taken by Betsy Wilce (Thanks!!) on May 21st in London!!

Click on the image below to see the album:

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Benvenuti sul sito italiano dedicato a Queer as folk USA, telefilm nato in UK e ideato da Russel T. Davies. La serie è stata sviluppata negli USA grazie a Cowen, Lipman e Jonas. Questo sito non è ufficiale e non ha alcun legame con gli attori e con chiunque abbia fatto parte dello show. Tutto il materiale qui contenuto è di proprietà della Showtime. Riassunti, traduzioni, sottotitoli appartengono ai Webmasters: Ale, Marcy, Klaudia62, Felicity. La grafica è stata creata da Simo e Marcy, ogni diritto è riservato. »