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di: Marcy
06 Jun 2015

Hello everyone!

We'd like to thank Lucyj2, who gave us the permission to share her beautiful picture with Gale!

di: Marcy
06 Jun 2015

Many many thanks also to "rosannadelia", who gave us the permission to share her beautiful picture with Gale!

di: Ale
06 Jun 2015

Many many thanks to Elizabeth Garza, who gave us the permission to share her beautiful picture with Gale and the picture she took during the Queer as Folk panel today!!

di: Ale
05 Jun 2015

We added to our gallery a lot of new pictures taken today during the Queer as Folk panel at the ATX Television Festival in Austin:

Thank you to The Televixen, BuzzFeed Entertainment, IG: ReinaRoyale, Kristin Sheppard, Natalie Abrams, The TV Junkies, Kevin O'Keeffe, Fons PR, Jessie K, Head Over Feels.

di: Ale
05 Jun 2015

The Queer as Folk panel started a few minutes ago at the ATX Television Festival in Austin and we have some pictures!!!

They were posted on Twitter by , Nicole, The Tv Junkies, BuzzFeed Entertainment, Bridget Liszewski, Lauren Duca and The Televixen

di: Ale
05 Jun 2015

Hello again,

many many thanks to Nicole, who gave us her permission to share this picture taken today in Austin:

di: Marcy
05 Jun 2015

Hello folks!

We'd like to thank Colleen and Kimberly for sharing their pictures taken during the "Atx Television Festival!" Thank you girls!!! And have a good time!

di: Marcy
05 Jun 2015

We are here again!!

The official instagram of the “Atx Television Festival” has posted some pictures.. here our Peter!

di: Marcy
05 Jun 2015

Hello everyone!

We’d like to thank Deborah for sharing her picture of Peter, taken yesterday June 4th 2015 in Austin (Texas), during the “Atx Television Festival.”
Click on the picture below to see it bigger!

di: Marcy
31 May 2015

Hello everyone and have a great sunday!

We have some new pictures of Scott, taken on May 26th in London!

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Benvenuti sul sito italiano dedicato a Queer as folk USA, telefilm nato in UK e ideato da Russel T. Davies. La serie è stata sviluppata negli USA grazie a Cowen, Lipman e Jonas. Questo sito non è ufficiale e non ha alcun legame con gli attori e con chiunque abbia fatto parte dello show. Tutto il materiale qui contenuto è di proprietà della Showtime. Riassunti, traduzioni, sottotitoli appartengono ai Webmasters: Ale, Marcy, Klaudia62, Felicity. La grafica è stata creata da Simo e Marcy, ogni diritto è riservato. »