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02 May 2020

Yesterday, May 1st, Scott Lowell hosted live on his YouTube channel a unique event: May Day Home Stay Gay Play, a very special QAF cast and crew reunion.
The event was organized to help raise money for Centerlink, a coalition of LGBT community centers, and at the same time to celebrate QAF's 20th anniversary.
During the four hour long streaming, Scott introduced and talked with several members of the main cast Michelle Clunie, Robert Gant, Sharon Gless, Randy Harrison, Peter Paige and Hal Sparks and some of the guest actors Harris Allan, Dean Armstrong, Bob Church, Makyla (Smith) Deleo, Fabrizio Filippo, Peter MacNeill, Sherry Miller, Jack Wetherall, Stephanie Moore, Rosie O'Donnell, Carlo Rota, Lee Rumohr, Angela Asher, Rae Ellen Bodie, Clinton Walker, Antonio Salvatore and Marnie McPhail Diamond along with producers, writers and directors Ron Cowen & Dan Lipman, Russell T. Davies, Brad Fraser, Michael MacLennan, Del Shores, Alex Chapple, Kelly Makin, Russell Mulcahy, Jeremy Podeswad.
Through a VIP donation a few fans had the chance to chat with the actors and ask questions about the show.
Even if you missed the event, you can still donate to Centerlink .

And you can watch the whole video on Scott's channel by clicking on the image below

We also added some screencaps from the video HERE

11 Apr 2020

A few minutes ago Scott Lowell shared on his social media some really great news: on Friday, May 1st, the cast of Queer as Folk will be live-streaming all over the world on Facebook Live and YouTube Live a special Cast & Crew Reunion Event called MAY DAY GAY DAY in honor of QAF's approaching 20th Anniversary.
The 20th Anniversary QAF Cast & Crew Reunion Event will help raise funds for CenterLink: The Community of LGBT Centers.

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Benvenuti sul sito italiano dedicato a Queer as folk USA, telefilm nato in UK e ideato da Russel T. Davies. La serie è stata sviluppata negli USA grazie a Cowen, Lipman e Jonas. Questo sito non è ufficiale e non ha alcun legame con gli attori e con chiunque abbia fatto parte dello show. Tutto il materiale qui contenuto è di proprietà della Showtime. Riassunti, traduzioni, sottotitoli appartengono ai Webmasters: Ale, Marcy, Klaudia62, Felicity. La grafica è stata creata da Simo e Marcy, ogni diritto è riservato. »