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di: Marcy
25 Sep 2020

Today is Hal Sparks' birthday,
we wish him a great day full of love and happiness!

di: Staff
25 Sep 2019

Today is Hal Sparks' birthday,
we wish him a great day full of love and happiness!

di: Ale
25 Sep 2017

Today is Hal Sparks' birthday,
we wish him a great day full of love and happiness!

di: Ale
25 Sep 2016

Today is Hal Sparks' birthday,
we wish him a great day full of love and happiness!

19 Jul 2016

Last weekend Hal Sparks was at the Cobb's Comedy Club in San Francisco for a live show which took place on July 14-16, 2016. During the show Hal recorded his newest hour-long special.
We have some pictures of Hal with fans.

Thank you so much to our friends who let us share their pictures on our website:

credits: Steven Flores

More pictures from:

Mdubhub ( Photo HERE )

Rigel Apolinar ( Photo HERE )

Shin Huang ( Photo HERE )

Junior Neves ( Photo HERE )

10 Nov 2015

Here we are again!
Saturday November 7th, in the evening, the Los Angeles LGBT Center's 46th anniversary gala Vanguard Awards took place at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza in Los Angeles. Among the celebrities attending the dinner and the awards show Peter Paige and Hal Sparks, who posed for some pictures!

di: Marcy
25 Sep 2015

Today is Hal Sparks' birthday!!!!!!


di: Ale
20 Aug 2015

Hello everyone,

Hal Sparks will be on stage at The Atlanta Improv Comedy Club & Dinner Theatre on August 20th, 21st and 22nd!

Click on the image below to have more informations about his show and to buy tickets:

14 Jun 2015

Yesterday, June 13th, Hal Sparks marched along with the team of ABC7News at the Capital Pride in Washington DC.
Steve Rudin, broadcast meteorologist for ABC7 News, posted two photos on his Twitter!

di: Ale
12 Apr 2015

Hello everyone,

we added to our gallery some pictures of Hal Sparks, they were taken at the "Living The Farm Sanctuary Life" book signing on April 9th:

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Benvenuti sul sito italiano dedicato a Queer as folk USA, telefilm nato in UK e ideato da Russel T. Davies. La serie è stata sviluppata negli USA grazie a Cowen, Lipman e Jonas. Questo sito non è ufficiale e non ha alcun legame con gli attori e con chiunque abbia fatto parte dello show. Tutto il materiale qui contenuto è di proprietà della Showtime. Riassunti, traduzioni, sottotitoli appartengono ai Webmasters: Ale, Marcy, Klaudia62, Felicity. La grafica è stata creata da Simo e Marcy, ogni diritto è riservato. »